A Running Commentary
My very first... be patient. Even in the best of times, I am apt to wander and get off topic.
First off, I'd like to say a big TeeHee to last year's Miss Universe... Jennifer Hawkins. Makes me laugh... quite a bit actually.
Um... so, feel very sorry for the million girls who came all the way to Bankok and got cut like 2.5 seconds into the broadcast. To add insult to injury, they still have to come on stage at the start of every category and pretend like they all still have a chance.
Holy crap!!! For the first time, like ever, Miss Canada made it past the first cut. Yay. Without a doubt, she has the best hair in the competition.
Holy mackinolee... Miss Canada just made it past the evening gown. I think the end of the world is upon us. No offence to my much beloved country... but... we never win at anything... except maybe hockey... and we didn't even win at that this year. Did you know that Canada has a soccer team? Didn't think so.
The swimsuits... they are white. They look like a bra and panty (hate that word) set... I'm calling Miss Puerto Rico to win the whole thing right now. Although Miss Canada has really, really great hair. Isn't it all about the hair? Re: uber losers... for ever 20 wearing a white bra and panty set, there is one wearing a one piece... who decides which total uber loser gets to wear the granny suit?
Poor Miss Peru... she tripped...
Miss USA... sorry my American friends... she looks like she has some sort of unfortunate head twitch...
Miss Israel... even I want to do her in her l'il bikini bra/panty set...
And now, the consolation prizes... The only thing that stands out is that Billy Bush is a prick.
Final five:
Mexico, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, Canada (Holy feck), Venezuela...
Um... One of these things just doesn't belong here... one of the things just isn't the same...
Completely random Miss Canada fact: Did you know that "Miss Canada" is the top search word people have googled to find my blog? I feel that somehow, I am an honourary Miss Universe contestant.
Question period. Apparently, the questions come from other Miss Universe contestants. If I were Miss Canada, I would ask "What was the most embarrassing thing you have ever done after downing a 26er of Gin?"
Dude... Miss Puerto Rico... never ever open your mouth, ever again.
Dominican Rebublic... adorable. "Men should not copy other men... that's what makes them real men". i hear ya sista.
Miss Canada... She bought and read "Miss Universe Questions for Dummies"... and I would wish for world peace and for all the puppies to be happy.
Venezuela... her question sucked... not her fault she answered it badly.
Mexico... sorry girl. You were so blah, I don't even remember you.
And the winner is.......................................................................
Holy Sh*t....
The anticipation...
Miss Canada is Miss Universe 2005. You could knock me over with a feather.
Not since Jean Chretien said that we would not go to war in Iraq have I been so proud to be Canadian.