Lucky Spinster meme'd me for this meme.
Inquiring minds want to know....
What is on Beatrice's desk? **
(**please note, this happy gentleman is NOT on my desk. Sadly)
From Left to Right
1) Files
2) Fax from the University of Madrid sent erroneously to our organization. Note to self: check on progress of translation letter informing them that they sent it to the wrong place.
3) Meridian 2 Line telephone. When one incoming call is just not enough.
4) Rolodex full of people's contact info that I will never need to use. What do you think Outlook is for?
5) Uniball Vision fine tip pen. Colour: purple.
6) One Labtec speaker.
7) SyncMaster 710v flat screen monitor.
8) The other Labtec speaker.
9) "Sign Here" Post-it thingies.
10) Kleenex box full of elastic bands.
11) Mouse with a red light that lights up when you use it. Teehee.
12) Tim Hortons' coffee mug. Oh Canada...
13) Office Caddy 3000... highlighters, pens, ruler, liquid paper, stapler etc...
14) Box of 30th generation recycled Kleenex-like tissue. You better hope your nose ain't running!!! Ever!
15) More files.
16) Labels. Avery 05162 AND 05366. I've got all the bases covered.
17) Two tickets to the Live 8 Concert in Barrie from July 2nd.
18) Yet more files.
Aren't you glad you asked???
Mollyblogger, Guy With the Hat, Sir John (Molly, you'll let him know yes?), Courtney.
On your marks, get set, GO!
1 comment:
Sadly, I fear Sir John no longer blogs... one of those live today, blog tomorrow kind of people... losers ;)
On my desk from left to right:
1) Series bible for kids series
2) Massive Starbucks travel mug, empty
3) 4-line meridian phone (when 2 aren't enough)
4) my (what did you call it?) book of power? anyway, my planner/organizer.
5) tums
6) Rolodex filled with the same addresses that are in my book of power (I also have these names and addresses on my computer address book-- I'm very thorough).
7) three kinds of lip balm
8) antique iMac, orange
9) three kinds of hand cream
10) box of mini DVs
11) stapler, not swingline
12) pile of things I should have mailed yesterday
13) pile of scripts I should have read last month
C'est tout. So terribly interesting, I'm sure.
Gotta love memes.
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