
I've Lost Me Mojo!!!

no mojo
Originally uploaded by
Beatrice Petty.
"I've been doing a lot of soul searching over the weekend and I think we need to talk."

Nothing good can possibly come from an email like that...

Sigh... my Irishman is no more. Sufficed to say, I couldn't have been more shocked if I was George Bush and I had woken up with half a clue. This came out of no where... not a week ago, he had mentioned that he was excited to spend the next two weekends together. Proof that once again, Bea has not one iota of a clue about men...

They act like they really like you, but they don't... They don't act like they like you, but they really do... What the Fuck!

What was it that the Gypsy Fortunte Telling Cards say? Something about not appreciating something when we have it, having lost it, we cry... or something like that. I'll have a read when I get home...

No doubt I am just pouting... annoyed that I didn't do it first. After all, I've known for sometime that we I wasn't thinking long term... and that if something better came along that I would have jumped onto that bandwagon... but still, the thought that I won't be seeing him ever again or hear any more funny stories from his friends leaves me a little saddened. Silly Beatrice.

And still nothing from Sasha... From someone who seemed SO excited to meet me, he sure has a heck of a way of showing it. Too bad, so sad... Next.

So from FEG, to Irishman, to Sasha... it would seem that the luck that I have experience of late has finally dried up... much like Adrian Zmed's career.

Citius, Altius, Fortius,


Cascadia said...

I am sad for you. Did you ever figure out if you had a voodoo hex on you - I am starting to believe it. Maybe you need to dance around naked by the light of the moon dumping chicken blood on yourself. Do keep in mind - don't waste the pretty! There is someone out there, you'll find him. I hope soon! 'til then, you always have us to act as your pseudo soul mates....just without the sex. I hope you feel better soon!

mollyblogger said...

Silly wabbit... you haven't lost your mojo!!

I'm but an observer... and all I can say is that you've been, how to put it... settling. Irishman? Settle. FEG? Settle, settle. And last (but not least)... the guy you've never even seen a picture of, whom you've never met... Well that's just, well, non-existant really. But I'll wager... settle.

I think of Irishman... and all of your qualms with him and I hear the theme song to the SNL skit 'Lowered Expectations'. I mean come on! You're way too fun and cute to be dating the guys of late. I say? Employ a little of LS's suggestion... the power of suggestion. You and I will dance around naked during the new moon with chicken feathers singing Kumbaya... and we'll lift the curse.

Then, you just have to promise me that if you date any more wall-eyed, poorly dressed Irishmen with premature ejaculation issues just because they have 'funny accents'. No matter how much fun their friends are. Deal?

Glad we sorted that out. Besides, remember you used to like being single? You know you always find what you're looking for the minute you stop looking. So stop. Get on with the rest of your life. The right guy will pop along when he's ready.

Molly out.

p.s. I should really take my own advice too huh? I mean... I date the mini-dicked, impotent ADD artist down the hall... so... who am I to talk? Lowered Expectations....

Beatrice Petty said...

Settling perhaps... but I truly did enjoy my Irishman. One of those cases where sex really should have been best left out of the picture.

And speaking of SNL skits... today when I was out getting my lunch, Neil Diamonds' "Comin' to America" was on... reminded me of the skit with Will Ferrell... which in turn reminded me of the "More Cowbell" skit... which, in turn, brightened up my day.

Thanks all... I think I am most upset that I won't ever see this other Irish guy who I sort of developped a mini-crush on... he was too funny... but had a girlfriend, who I also really liked I might add. It is very WRONG to date a guy mainly because you want to hang out with his friends. I know that. Sigh... I'll get over it.

Jay said...

There will be other, better men, of that you can be certain.

Cascadia said...

I am not sure why I won't sleep with Bea - I just an not that into girls. I find them too soft to kiss! I need some stubble, a little rough skin and a bit of chest hair. Do you have chest hair Bea? Maybe we should talk!

Beatrice Petty said...

I have one long hair that grows out of my chest... I pluck it, but somtimes it's fun to play with...

I'm such a dork!

Cascadia said...

Well then - maybe I will reconsider!