In no way do I find this season’s Bachelor attractive. He looks like a cat. Like a stray tomcat who was picked up by the dog catcher and thrown into a cage with a bunch of pitbulls. His brother on the other hand… me-ow.
Speaking of boys, I FINALLY met our polkaroo of a next door neighbour that my roomie had been spotting almost on a daily basis for like a month now… I really was starting to believe that she had completely fabricated him… He's pretty cute. He has 2 cats. He wears funky Adidas sneakers. He does not have a lisp.
I knew an Angelo once. He had a lisp. He was Italian and 5’2” with long curly hair down to his butt. He wore tank tops that highlighted his hairy Italian chest… super, super nice guy though…
Henceforth, all Angelos who come into my life will be divided into two groups: those WITH lisps and those WITHOUT lisps. Should the roomie decide to pursue this Angelo "sans-lisp", I am behind her 100%. I’ll even go so far as to give him the official Be Petty Seal of Approval. Go Molly Go!!!
PS. Completely off topic… but The Good, The Bad and The Ugly… really great movie!
Please... if that bachelor guy was just a regular guy and not some guy thinking he's all that, you wouldn't kick him out of bed.
Thanks for the go ahead re: the neighbour. He's so great!!! I guess we'll see what happens at the party. Happy birthday to me!
Re: lithpths... they are unfortunate. And no, our neighbour does not have one.
OF COURSE... it goes without saying that I wouldn't kick him out of bed... After all, the wall-eyed Irishman, well... um, ya...
All I'm saying is that if you are put on a television show where dozens of women are going to be fighting over you... at least pick a guy who LOOKS like he doesn't get into bar brawls every night. I just don't think he has any sex appeal. That's my story and I'm sticking to it!
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