
You can come... If you want...

Originally uploaded by Beatrice Petty.

That's exactly what you want to come out of your PNB's mouth... And that reminds me of a book I got for Christmas-- given by my Dad of all people. "He's Just Not That Into You: The No-Excuses Truth to Understanding Guys" is really quite informative and definitely entertaining... Where was this book a few months ago I'd like to know? Anyway, I am thinking that there are guys out there that are not necessarily not into you... it's just that they are that clueless... especially single child, lifelong bachelor ones... Whoa and Yikes!

So, an exciting week so far, with the best yet to come. Got my hair cut yesterday... ooh... so curly. I love it. And tonight I have a wrap party for Puppets who Kill which Dee... the rockingest person ever... invited me to. And the KS man is in town until Saturday. Won't see him tonight but am looking forward to tying one on tomorrow with da boyz.

You know, Petty was just thinking about how funny it is that I see some people much more now that I have moved to Toronto. As opposed to Vic. where NOTHING ever really happened, and there was a never a reason to go unless visiting people, Toronto always has stuff going on. Of course when I say "some people", I am really only referring to KS who comes here for business frequently. No one else has really made any effort to visit. Oh, and there is actually a person that lives in Toronto who I see less/never now that I live here so... not sure what the logic behind that one is... hmmmm... Forget what I just said.


You are SOOOOOO lucky;
I'm as patient as a saint...
Patience running out :{


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