
Grumpy Pylon

That's me in a nut shell today folks. As lovely as minus 33 degrees feels first thing in the morning, standing like a sardine in both a bus and a subway car is much, much worse. I need to find some way to withdraw into some sort of fantasy world... A world full of Orlando Blooms and Gerard Butlers, with perhaps a few Judes and Ewans thrown in... for shits and giggles. Ah, if only Bea Petty hadn't given up Being Petty.

So, the weekend was nice--quiet, but nice. The Big K meister was in town Friday night which would normally have entailed us all going out and getting hammered... . As it turns out, apparently we are now a bunch of lameasses. We couldn't EVEN do a late movie. How pathetic was that? I'm almost embarrased to write about it, but this blog is all about the truth... and I am determined to write nothing but the truth, no matter how painful it is.

Anyhoo, Saturday was even more lame as the PNB... blaming a basketball head wound for his all day headache instead of the beers and scotches he had consumed the night before whilst bowling... "It's not a hangover"... Yeah, right... wanted a night to himself in his pad. So, that left Petty at home all by her lonesome. I did have a wonderful time though... introducing myself to The Office... which is getting funnier the more I watch. And of course, I did get my Orlando (and PNB) fix on Sunday for the Golden Globes so it's all good. I did learn something though... I bruise easily when tickled. See, I told you this blog was all about honesty.

Oh, and another thing??? My cat had gas this weekend... under the covers of all places. It freaked me out. So much so, that I present:

The Fat Cat FartKu

Wee Wee Kitty, ppphht
Did that sound come from your butt?
'Scuse Me would be nice

That is all,

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