But I'm better thanks... I don't know if you guys ever have those moments where all the things that might be not so great in your life all come to head at once. Being deemed not worthy of a second date by someone who I had deemed worthy, coupled with talking to my parents who are counting the seconds until I come home at Christmas, along with really, really wanting to head home for a visit now because I miss them a lot but don't have the money OR the time off to do it etc... you get the picture. Just a bunch O' silly little things really. Of course, my gift (or curse) of being overly dramatic doesn't help things in the least.
I'd like to thanks everyone for their kind words. It's nice to know that people care, even ones whom you have never met and who wouldn't know you from a hole in the head if you walked right past them on the street. The blogiverse is very strange, very strange indeed.
Sorry you had a long long weekend.
Hopefully thing'll get better for you.
Bottom of the wheel, sweetie. Bottom of the wheel.
Lots of "little" things can become one big overwhelming headache. Happens all the time. Glad you are coming out the other side though!
Good thoughts headed northward! More than usual anyway :)
Thanks Ladies,
Like I said, just one of those little bumps in the road that we all experience...
Bottom of the wheel indeed!
you think YOU had a long weekend?? try dealing with 1200 Caribananas on a nightly basis whilst averaging about 2 hours sleep a night.. then try standing there as 50 of these monkeys rush through the back door of your club cuz they are too cheap to pay the cover charge and you don't know if guns are going to start a-blazin'!! Though it was a big money weekend for me.. it was NOT worth it!.. so.. I definately had a LONG LONG LONNNNNNNG weekend as well!
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