Might have been the gin... Actually, it was almost definitely the gin, and the vodka, triple sec, cointreau, lychee etc...
What can I say about Girl's Maritini Party on Saturday? Well, I can tell you that I woke up the next day and was like "La dee da... it must be 10am or so... time to get up..." only to look at my clock and say "Holy *insert expletive here*... 3pm??? What the..."
The last definite thing I remember was arriving back to the building and trudging up the stairs to the second floor only to run into the artist neighbour from down the hall who, oddly enough, just happened to be standing in the hallway at 5am-ish. I, of course, was in a right state, but was somehow supremely conscious of the fact that stringing together two words in any manner that another human could comprehend was the most difficult thing that I had ever attempted in my life. I'm not entirely sure what was discussed but I have a sick feeling that I agreed to throw a bash in the loft before the end of the summer. Did we agree upon a date? Perhaps. I have horrible visions of me just chilling at home in my sweats one Friday night only to hear a knock on my door...
anyway, it was super fun... and by fun I mean that it is my firm belief that none of the pictures that were taken throughout the evening, save for this one of course, should EVER be seen by anyone who was was not at the party. EVER.
And supposedly there is some sort of video that was taken at some point during the evening??? This should be destroyed. Immediately.
Oh the things we do in the name of fun...
Bea "could do with a new liver at anytime now" Petty
SOunds like you had a great time. You know Bea...... half the fun is sharing :P
What is the point of cleaning your place before you have a party if it's going to look like that afterwards? After spending 8 hours washing and cleaning with many breaks inbetween, the place is now spotless.
Oh Bea, Bea, Bea....I keep sensing some tongue action going on in that video...hmmm....
To all the peeps that didn't make it out to my martini shin dig, you missed out on some hugely fun times. But you also got to spend Sunday Not in bed like most of us. Thanks Friends - you know who you are :)
I repeat... that video must be destroyed...
Hello... It's me, Bea. I thought we covered this...
I love comments. When people comment on my blog it makes me feel loved... loved and special. I am also more than happy to read other peoples' blogs... when their blogs are actually blogs and not blogs set up to sell people crap.
But when people advertise their own pseudo-blogs on my blog, it makes me frown... and frowning gives me wrinkles. And no, that is not an invitation to advertise your "Get rid of wrinkles" blog which covers everything to do with getting rid of wrinkles...
I'd really like to not to have to resort to removing posts... but keep it up blogvertisers and I will do just that.
Thank you for your time.
The Authoress
This is a joke right???
I think you're adorable, so sorry about the other poster idiots. I don't drink anymore, but it is fun to observe.
So what you're really saying is that I need to obtain this videotape IMMEDIATELY for possible future blackmailing purposes??
Glad you had a great time!!
You people are all freaks!!!
Baby Garner-Affleck will roll in an Xplory stroller
According my latest issue of US magazine, Jennifer Garner and Ben Affleck's baby girl will ride in style in a Stokke Xplory stroller.
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Parents protest daughters losing bus ride to school
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A Catholic Evening Prayer Blog...
Just what I've been waiting for!!!
I have enjoyed reading you site for months. Miss mollyblogger.
(originally stumbled here from some chain of comments from WWdN).
If I wre you I'd turn off anonymous comments. They are the route of all evil.
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