He's baaaaaaack...
Remember my stalker? I know, I tried to block it out of my head as well. It seems that I have unwittingly bestowed the same pleasure upon my roomie. Yep... this silly little friends network that one uses to keep in touch with past friends/acquaintances and the like. Somehow I already had a little friend waiting for me when I signed up. And while I was able to block him from communicating with me, it seems that he can communicate with others in my network. Is there a more pleasant way to wake up on a sunny Sunday morning than to find a message in your inbox from your roommate's former stalker:
well i saw your profile and i was really attracted to your smile, i hope that doesn't sound like a cheesy pick up line cause i really mean it .. well i hope u email me or add me to your msn and then we could get to talk a little bit. hope u have a great nite Ash
Run away Molly. Run away quickly.
On a completely different note altogether... you'll be happy to learn that I, in fact, will not be entering a convent as previously stated. The Former-PNB discovered as much last Saturday night at about 2am when he received several phone calls from the old girl. What can I say, apparently Romanian Moonshine puts me "in the mood"... who knew? At any rate... Poor Former-PNB... not that I actually made it over there, but, a thousand apologies to him for waking him up and for ever so patiently putting up with the ramblings of a slightly inebriated Bea.
Romanian Moonshine? Who the hell was feeding you THAT?
I'm sure the Former PNB wasn't entirely surprised though.
Poor Ash. He really doesn't get it, does he? He picks up chicks at bus stops, hi5... where WILL he strike next, I wonder.
Re: Romanian Moonshine... T'is surely the last time I take a drink of something that came from an old and unmarked water bottle. Prairie boys I tell you...
Re: Former-PNB... After about the 3rd or 4th phone call, I doubt that he was surprised...
Re: Ash... we women can only be afraid of where he will strike next. I had thought that hitting on women at funerals was the next logical step after bus stops, but I guess he's trying the internet thing first.
aren't stalkers fun!??! :)
Ahh...the drunken calling...memories of mead, a hot tub and passing my cell phone around leaving someone new a message at 2 AM.
I am still amazed no one dropped it!
It's always those freaky drinks that bit ya in the ass isn't it?
Oh Bea - remember the drunk "visits" to hell? Who needed a phone! Poor hellions! We were so cool!
(Just catching up after a week away... you make me laugh)!
Wee... lmao... who could forget Hell???
Or being tied to a bench in the Quad?
Good times.
I'm glad to see you and Molly are still up to your same old tricks. Miss you two! :)
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