Last week, Girl put me on to a UK based dating site exclusively for beautiful people. Called BeautifulPeople.net, it is sort of like Lavalife, except that it is for.. ahem... beautiful people. Gone are the days of online dating sites where any average Joe or Josephine can sign up. BeautifulPeople.net works by having BeautifulPeople.net people (i.e. those already deemed BeautifulPeople.net worthy by previously voted in other BeautifulPeople.net folk). Your profile and picture gets put up for 3 days. In that time, members of the opposite sex either vote yes or no to let you in. Actually, it is a little more complicated than that. The following is the actual phrasing used for voting:
Yes! Certainly!
Hmm, Yes, OK.
Hmm, Not really.
No! Not at all!
I think we can all guess which votes Bea has garnered the most of. In 2 days, 3 hours and 27 minutes, it will be official. Beatrice Petty is not beautiful. Not at all!
Oh sure, I am what some people would call "adorable", or even "very adorable", but beautiful? Perhaps if there was a www.adorablepeople.net I would surely be welcomed with open arms. I'll keep y'all updated on the status of my BeautifulPeople.net application but at this point, it is not looking good as apparently the majority of shallow English people are of the opinion that Bea is not beautiful. Not at all!
Hear hear GH... actually, I have been conversing with a seemingly very nice bloke who is of the opinion that BP (Beautifulpeople.net, not Beatrice Petty) has some of the most shallow people on the planet on it...
I shall be PROUD to not be voted in...
sounds like a very shallow site
Oh Goodness C... of course they are looking for the bleached blonde big boobed skinny minnies of the world...that's why it so freaking hilarious... Although, I did have blondish hair a while back... and I do have biggish boobs... just missing the skinny minny part... and the not eating bit. See, I'm almost there.
Believe me when I say that my feelings will not be hurt when (if... I still have 2 days to campaign...lol) I am not deemed BeautifulPeople.net worthy.
As for my ego... this will in no way have any effect on it whatsoever. Quite obviously I simply have too much time on my hands. See what happens when Bea is bored and has nothing better to do? Let this be a lesson to you all... I need to be entertained dammit!!!
OH MY GOD!! THAT SITE WAS AWESOME!!! I NEVER KNEW ABOUT THAT ONE!!! LOOK AT ALL THOSE HOT CHICKS!!!! DROOL DROOL!!! LOL .. but seriously folks... why stop at beautiful.. when you can go for beautiful AND rich? why not try ... www.sugardaddies.com ... ? some of you might find not necessairly what you are looking for... but maybe what you need...!
Lornstar... you're insane ;)
Oh that is TOO much! Of course the "beautiful" would think of such a shallow way to find love through exclusion. lol
OK....this is kind of scary. Not only was I hit on by this guy over the weekend that kept insisting that I looked like Farrah Fawcet but when I checked my hotmail Inbox this morning, there was an email from BP.com saying I got accepted and that in fact, I am actually beautiful. Farrah and BP in the same weekend - Bea, you do have ESP!!! LOL!!
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