
Flight Whores???

You know you are blogging too much when you begin to think about blogging in your dreams. It's one thing to put yourself in situations in a waking state... situations you know will provide good material to write about... Lavalife is just such an example. But when you dream about odd situations... and then think to yourself... "This is going to make a great blog"... Should I be scared?

Anway, last night just such an event occured. I dreamed that I was taking a shortcut back to work via a railroad track. A train came and I was forced to stand aside on an embankment... which I promptly fell off of.... Bea is SO clumsly... Luckily, a little ways down, there was a ladder that I used to climb back up. It led to this little store, where this cute little asian lady informed me that they were just about begin filming a pornographic film in the back room... called "Flight Whores"... apparently it was about flight attendants...

What flight attendants had to do with little asian women in shops is beyond me... But I never promised that the dream was going to make any sense...

Anyway, I bought some gum and wished her luck on her little film and walked back to work, all the while thinking that I couldn't wait to blog about what had just happened.

My first thought when I woke up this morning was that something cool had ACTUALLY happened this weekend that I could write about... and then the coffee kicked in and I was like "Riiiiiiiight... Nice one Beatrice..."

So, in lieu of anything ACTUALLY having anything interesting to blog about... I thought I would blog about the dream I had about blogging...

And I know you are all dying to know.... No, there is no porn movie called "Flight Whores"... None that I could find at any rate... Such a shame... it looked like such a great movie!



mollyblogger said...

My expert analysis? You need to get laid, chicky ;)

Anonymous said...

Wow, what a weird dream! That's definitely good blog material. Thanks for making me laugh today!!!

Cascadia said...

I think we should film "Flight Whores". Sounds like a great porn!