This is Nick. We went out last night. From Nick I learned that it is possible for me to NOT be attracted to every guy with an english accent. I also learned that baby duck yellow cable knit sweaters worn with brown corderouy pants is not a good look for anyone! Thankfully I was spared the task of having to let him down easily for this morning, I received an email from this mildly developmentally delayed gentleman thanking me for the lovely evening, but unfortunately he was going to have to leave it at that because HE felt no spark. You think?
And in case I needed more proof that The Universe reads my blog on a daily basis...
In addition to introducing me to perhaps the most unattractive englishman on the planet (Mr. Bean would have been a godsend)... another boy informed me yesterday that he got laid off from his job. At least he's tall and doesn't live at home with his Mom. Thank goodness I've once again removed myself from the Lavacrack, thus preventing any contact from my 5'2" dog catcher.
Who said The Universe doesn't have a sense of humour?
Bea Out
1 comment:
I hate to use a cheesy allegory from Under the Tuscan Sun but here's the gist of a story one woman says to another:
When I was a kid, I once spent hours searching for ladybugs. When I found none, after several hours, I gave up, disappointed...... and fell asleep in the grass.
When I woke up, my body was covered with ladybugs.
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