
These Are a Few of My Favorite Things

1) The Madison
2) Beer
3) Advil

Conversely, some of me least favorite things include:

Hairballs and kitty puke
Getting up for work in the morning (see #s 1 and 2 from above)

Is it 5 o'clock yet?


mollyblogger said...

Yikes, overdid it a bit, did we?

Oh well, at least you get tomorrow off...

Beatrice Petty said...

Overdid it? Not really. It brings me back to that posting I did a while back about there being no logic behind hangovers. I had no more than I normally would have at the Maddy on a Wednesday...

I suppose Oreo hacking up a lung in my ear at 4am did little to help.

Anonymous said...

heyyyy!!! did you pick up a nice young frat boy at the Madison and get some serious ACTION at least??

Beatrice Petty said...

Sorry to disappoint you Lornstar... I was there with some frat boys of my own AND I don't do "action" on school nights. Maybe I'll get some at the Live 8 concert!

Anonymous said...

yay! lornstar's back!

Anonymous said...

hi barbie! you know.. in some ways.. the lornStar never left! :) and you know me... i always love putting the LONG into LONG WEEKEND! whooo hoooooo!!