Is not me right now. I made it through pretty much the entire winter without getting sick, Had a couple of icky days, but nothing like this. I think it's allergies, but having never had allergies EVER...
... actually, I am allergic to seafood... mostly psychosomatic I am sure, but try telling that to my friend RB who had to pretty much replace his couch after the smoked salmon pasta incident...
Anyway, never having had hay fever and those other fun seasonal thangs, I'm only assuming that that is what it is. So far, my favorite has been my constant weepy right eye. It's super fun. Even more fun when you see a former-PNB... not THE former potential new boyfriend aka ULH... another one, from before his time... This completely adorable English chemist... I saw him for the first time in 8 months at the Maddy Paddy last night. I looked quite the picture of loveliness with my water-tap eye and snotty raw nose. Adorable. It's not like I was wanting to impress or that I am interested in him romantically, I just wanted to look semi-decent. One always wants a former potential to think "Damn... now WHY wasn't I interested???"... as opposed to "Yikes... dodged that bullet. Phew". Sadly, last night was the latter. Sigh.
On top of that, over fears of grossing out the Bare Naked Ladies at the event I was supposed to volunteer at tomorrow, I have decided to bow out. So upset, but what's to be done? I don't think anyone wants to be served hors d'oeurves from Weepy McSnot. I know I wouldn't. Fingers crossed that I will feel better for the party on Saturday.
Red-Eye McRunny
I never had allergies when I was younger, but the last few years have been brutal.
Oh please. You looked lovely last night..
Geesh... even weepy, you look pretty.
Seriously, just take it easy until Sat. and you'll be fine.
Aw, thanks Molly...
Status update. Popped some Claritin. It seems to have done dick all. Am wondering if it is simply a wicked cold.
I've never had a watery eye... just one... when I touch it, or dab it, I can hear it squishing... it's gross... anwyway, never had one with a cold. Is it normal?
Yo Bea!! Sorry to hear you are under the weather! Take two "Donkey Punches" and call me in the morning! :)
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