Like, what-ever!!!
I'm in limbo at work right now. Not quite ready to assume my new job, as the person is still here for another 2 weeks and not doing my old one, as the gal has returned from her maternity leave. That means that I have been shunted to this little mini side office-cubicle thingie that seems to be the graveyard for unwanted chairs AND way-past-their-prime computers... I am typing on a 386 at this very moment, or at least something very close to it. I never realized until just now, what a multi-tasker I was with the fancy Samsung with Windows XP flat screen dealies. At any given time, I would be blogging, working on my social life (ick, lava), having 2 different conversations on MSN, be writing 4 e-mails in Outlook and have 6 different Excel spreadsheets open... all at the same time. Now, I can barely have 2 programs running at the same time before it will tell me to close something due to lack of available memory. As soon as our IT guy comes in, I am going to demand a newer hard drive thingamagiggy... and a new mouse. Those wheely do-dads for scrolling are an absolute necessity.
I will phrase my request thusly:
Dude, since having been issued this computer, I have found that my work productivity has been called into question. Under normal circumstances, I am more than happy to fit work in amongst my other daily activities, such as chatting online, entertaining my peeps, and trying to meet the man of my dreams. However, these important tasks have become virtually impossible to accomplish ALONGSIDE my work obligations, and seeing as how I work to live and not live to work, I have had to make some choices. I am sure that you would agree that the powers that be would not be overly enthusiastic with said choices, as they involve little to no actual contribution to the organization. So, I.T. Dude, you have 2 choices... Either I get a newer, faster computer where I can accomplish everything that I need to do in a given 7 hour work day OR I keep this computer, therefore accepting no responsibility for the non-goal accomplishing work days that are sure to follow.
Warmest Regards,
Beatrice Petty
Yeah, welcome to my world. At least you've only got it for a week. I've had a shitty computer at work for the last TWO YEARS.
You've been spoiled with your ten window multi-tasking capabilities. On a good day I get maybe four... then my computer crashes.
You get used to it.
I can vouch for Bea's tsunami ridden cubby hole...I'm surprised you can even find your computer! But think of the positive - no more phone calls by people looking for the Upper Canada Lower Bowel Clinic...YEAH!!!!!!
Um, yeah, our IT guy is a 50 year old former paramilitary Slovakian dude.
And I did talk to him. He laughed and told me to "suck it up Buttercup". Maybe not in those words exactly but... Oh, and I think he did mention something about not msning all my boys at work. FYI, be careful about what say around the office. You THINK no one is listening but...
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