
Dude, Who Killed Kenny?

So, I was watching Idol last night... as I am apt to do on a Tuesday night and was quite excited about Kenny Rogers being the guest. I won't lie. I like Kenny, I always have. And I am not afraid to admit it. I especially like Kenny when other people are making fun of him... like Will Sasso on Mad TV.

And then.............

Ok, so I will allow that as a rule I generally never know what the heck is going on. True, I am pretty good at staying up on my current events, and I THOUGHT my celebrity gossip... but COME ON. Have I really been so far out of the loop that I missed Kenny Rogerseseses' extreme makeover?

In disbelief I called the roomie, fully thinking that she too was going to support my view on the matter. Instead I got something like "yeah, so, it's Kenny Rogers, get over it"... "But, but, but... Kenny Rogers is a little chubby and all about the '80's and looks like someone's grandpappy"...

But someone's grandpappy or no, The Gambler is apparently no longer chubby or all about the '80's.

I repeat... where the heck have I been?



Anonymous said...

Dare I say he looks kind of hot in the second pic....kinda like keifer sutherland....

Cascadia said...

He is hot! Hot hot hot! I love Kenny Roger's! This may have something to do with his hottie little young wife....look her up....