
Don't Be Jealous

And because I don't want anyone to feel sorry for me... thinking that I only get e-mails like the one on the previous posting every once and a while... I present to you this little gem, hot off the presses:

So you have your Florida win....hope that helped in winning the pool....will talk to ya later in the week.....stayed in Happy Fairyland most of the week , came back for birthday party....just watched the when can....416-iam-smrt.....Neville Train Conductor

Yeah, I might page... when can...



mollyblogger said...

Where is this Happy Fairyland? How does one obtain a ticket to this Happy Fairyland? Must one take Longbottom's Magic Train Ride to this Happy Fairyland?

How enigmatic!

Beatrice Petty said...

OK, well maybe Happy Fairlyland doesn't exist... I just didn't want to put where he really was... I dunno... just in case...

Re: him being gay... interesting... that COULD explain why he was unable to... um... well, you know.

Cascadia said...

Duh! Me so dumb sometimes. Then I am sure he is not gay....he doesn't play the organ and sing in a choir does he?