
Well Hello once again!

Here is my newest Honku. It actually stems from an incident last night while my Scotsman and I were dring out to have dinner with my Uncle Bob. Why some people just don't get that if you are not going SIGNIFICANTLY FASTER than the cars in the right hand lane, then you shouldn't be in the passing lane. Don't those people know that people who use the fast lane are chronically late and need to speed because their life... well, maybe not their life, but perhaps their job, or catching a ferry etc... depends on it??????? Ok, Ok, so it was only dinner with Uncle Bob but still. This Honku is of yet, untitled.

Hey, Slowly McSlow
People behind you hate you!
Move your ass over

Not much in the way of wickedly cool relevations or other goings on. I have a library book that is late... Scott's Standard Book of Stamps, Volume 2 (c-f). for those that don't know, I inhereted my Grandmother's stamp collection and am now therefor a Philatelist: One who is interested in Philately (stamp collecting). Although not a hobby that I would have necessarliy chosen for myself, it its kind of neat, but very frustrating! Stay tuned for more exciting updates on this topic!

So, now it is time to go, but before I do, I will leave you with something that you should see if you haven't already seen it. My friend Wendy Cho will probably get a little chuckle out of this suggestion. Kentucky Fried Movie is one of those little gems that you either think is the most hilarious thing ever or.... that it's completely stupid. I'll let you be the judge. A TOY ROBOT?????? DDAAAHHHHH!!!!!!


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