OK... Neville Train Conductor... wrote back... responded to e-mail re: watch... reply... follows... no idea what means...
Subject line: Forgetting items to come back...
Thought I lost watch...thanks for heads up..Thursday or Friday might work for me to swing by....plus tournament is on those days.....see if any of those days work for you.... P.S.....On call...so day by day
So, my question to everyone is... WHAT THE HELL IS THIS SUPPOSED TO MEAN? In particular, those who can speak man-speak might be pretty helpful in this case.
Does the reference to the "tournament" (March Madness) imply that he wants to do more than stop by quickly and pick up his watch? And what of his subject line? I am sure it's a bit of a joke, after all he does have some semblance of a sense of humour, but is it possible that he is trying to say that he left "forgot" his "items" so that he would have "to come back?"
Yeah, I know... entirely too much time spent trying to figure out what this means... welcome to the Wonderful World of Neville Train Conductor. This is kind of what it has been like since the beginning. It is kind of like the Wonderful World of Disney, but without the seven dwarves.
Help. Anyone.
Bea "don't speak man-tongue" Petty
Subject line: Forgetting items to come back...
Thought I lost watch...thanks for heads up..Thursday or Friday might work for me to swing by....plus tournament is on those days.....see if any of those days work for you.... P.S.....On call...so day by day
Subject line: I'd really fancy a shag.
I left my watch there because I had so much fun making out with you last time, I knew I'd want to come back soon. Since I am a train conductor, I figured leaving my watch, a most important tool to my trade, would be adequate reason to call on you mere days after our last "non-date". Since you've made it clear you don't want to date anyone... I needed a casual reason for wanting to come back so as not to appear to want to date you...
Train Conductor
p.s. waiting ever so eagerly for you to make the first move.
p.p.s. Bea made the first move by telling him he had left his darn train conducting watch at her place to begin with, only to have that email sent back as a response... Still have yet to hear word back in response to my "I have no clue what you just said" e-mail.
The mistake you are making is assuming that any male spends 1/10 of the time thinking about what they are writing compared to the time women spend trying to understand what we mean.
Touché Anonymous... touché!
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