
Why 3 Strikes?

When you can declare someone out in 2?

After the second "I'm really sorry I wasn't around this weekend so we could hook up/I have to rush off to Burlington tonight so I'll have to postpone (who the hell EVER has to "rush off" to Burlington at the last minute... seriously) I would like to strike (no pun intended) any mention of the Gay-Travel Travel Agent from the record if I may.

I would really like to know if there are actually any guys out there who:

a) are not Time Wasters
b) say they want to date and meet someone great but who are NOT quote too busy unquote to actually date and meet someone great (this excuse is bullkaka, but this is neither time nor the place for that discussion).
c) can spell
d) can handle a person as amazing as I am... that's right, I'm smrt, funny, not wall-eyed, I'm a damn good cook, I colour INSIDE the lines. True, my catwalk needs a little work, I hate shaving my legs in the winter and I am a little too obsessed with British culture for my own good, but I give good foot massages AND well... other things that cannot be discussed in good society.



mollyblogger said...

I think it may just be the cesspool that IS Lava.

Gotta find another (cess-less) pool, where there are better, not deranged and/or emotionally unavailable and selfish fish.

Those great guys are out there... but they're stealthy little buggers.

Beatrice Petty said...

Selfish fish are the WORST kind of fish... even when covered in beer batter.

Anonymous said...

Hey, maybe you should give jdate a try...I know you're not Jewish but if it can be mentioned on House maybe that's a sign.

mollyblogger said...

Um, I recommend that Bea attempt going OFFline for a bit.

This whole internet thing isn't working out...

Time wasters can't waste your time without MSN.

Anonymous said...

I think I have to agree with mollyblogger on this one...get offline. I've decided the same thing for myself recently - no more shit!

(I may have celebrity bf's, but they're no good to grab a movie and snuggle with on the couch on a Wed night when they live thousands of miles away.)

You can identify the slimy beer-battered ones a lot faster in person before allowing them a chance to waste even a second of your time. Which means thousands and thousands of seconds will be made available to the great guy when he walks into your life!

Join the offline movement girl!

Anonymous said...

Stop looking, thats when "he" will come to you. Does that sound like a cheap movie tagline? Immerse yourself in you. If that doesnt work, become a lesbian, I will date you, I can always use a good foot massage.

TheatreChick73 said...

Who said being obsessed with British culture is a bad thing?

Seriously though I feel your pain, I really do. But on a happier note I will be in your neck of the woods next weekend so I'll wave to ya if I see ya! I'll be the crazy red head in the black car, probably lost on Richmond.

Yeah, THAT will stand out in downtown TO. Suuuurrrreeee.

Beatrice Petty said...

TC... email us (molly and I)... how fun would that be???

Beatrice Petty said...

Oh, and CBS... not to worry... I've been off the lava crack for a while now. Let the healing begin.

TheatreChick73 said...

I will definitely drop you and Molly a line once my plans are a little more concrete. Right now, its all pretty random.

~art said...

Good foot massages!? I'm sold. where does one sign up?

highcontrast said...

That sucks - would have been fun to hear more about future dates with the GTTA.

Beatrice Petty said...

Actually... my head hung in shame...

Am meeting GTTA tonight. Assuming that another last minute trip to Burlington doesn't come up.