Case in point. This picture was taken by Girl at a place downtown that I will refer to here as BH.**
**(I choose not to endorse this particular establishment... I'm sorry, but any place that does not have a line-up and makes you wait around for minutes on end as you wave your business card in hopes of attracting one of the bouncers who are completely preoccupied with letting in scantily clad women and/or groups of compulsively sniffing men with no obvious signs of a cold. Man, it was lucky that we work in a cool place which tends to impress people at the very mention of it. I shudder to think what would happen if you worked for, say a company that manufactured toilets or kitty litter or something along those lines... anyway...)
I was busy getting some bevvies at the time this was taken, but I gathered from the kerfuffle when I returned that it was a pretty important picture. What hindsight has to say about it... I guess I'll leave it for Girl to inform us.
It was good to get out on the town and I did have fun. More importantly, it served the purpose of reinforcing that I am just way to old for that sh*t. Seriously. Crowded bar, expensive drinks, crappy music... all things that I can live without surely. Now don't get me wrong, I love going out but I just don't enjoy being the Bar Star I once was. I am now far more of a "pub" girl, a "lounge" girl even.
And I am certainly more down with going to a place where even just the tiniest fraction of the men are dressed a little differently from one another. I swear, the first guy to wear a striped button-up shirt untucked with jeans should have copyrighted that look. I was tempted to go up to up and shake the hand of any one of the half-dozen or so guys in the whole place who were brave enough to go against the norm and boldly wear a t-shirt and jeans... or heaven forbid, non-striped button up shirt with jeans. I'm all for conforming to society, but if you are going out to a club to potentially meet people, does it not seem logical to try and stand out from the crowd? Just a little bit?

What I am trying to say is that a little bit of individuality never hurt anyone. Maybe a hat? A little flower on your collar perhaps? Face done up in KISS make-up? Doesn't have to be over the top you know, just something subtle is all I ask.
Remind me who you are again? The guy with the white shirt with blue stripes right? No? That's right, you were the guy with the white shirt and pink stripes... my mistake.
Bea... just want to be me... Petty
Thanks for reminding me why I chose to stop going to those kinds of places...
I too will happily stick to the underground cafes, watering holes and irish pubs, thankyouverymuch.
Mmmm.... pubs....
Oh Heavens... I'll go back to those places... of course I will, don't you worry. Just because I may be too old for it doesn't mean that you'll not see me there... what else would I have to write about? Oh, current events and things that really matter in the grand scheme of thinsg I suppose...
Nah, I'll stick to talking about what I know best-- Me.
You know when you're out getting drunk and you see something that looks absolutely hysterical at the time, well either hysterical or mesmorizing and you just have to take a picture and capture it for memory's sake? Well that's what happened, except unfortunately at the point of camera clicking, the sight went dull and drab but to erase it would erase the story behind it and as it turns out has now become a different hysterical story than what it started out as....Whew..Man, I think I'm still hung over. Can you say run-on sentence?
Girl has that influence on me. I'm always up for a lounge or a pub but that Girl she wants to dance! It was a fun time and a good example of Toronto nightlife. The line, the inconsiderate snobs, the big arms to overcompensate in some other area, the easy girls, the drinks. I can't do it every weekend but once in a while, when Girl convinces me, I'm in the mood. However, Bea we're not old!
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