
Happy Hump Day!

I know, I know, Hump Day is usually Wednesdays for most folk, but not for us Parkies. At least until next week anyway. Come the 17th, there will be no Hump Days for Jen. I was going to say something about there being no Hump Days for me anymore anyway since my Scotsman left, but I thought that would be too crude. Oops, I guess I just said it. Shame on me and my potty mouth.

So, the big news......... I finally won Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone. Yippee!!! It's about time too. I was extremely close to just throwing the frigging thing out the window.

Speaking of throwing things out the window, I have officially arrived at another writer's block with regards to my book. You know, it's the one about a group of people in Oakland, California who form a gang of sorts to return an evil gold chain necklace to the firey pit from whence it came. I call it Lord of the Bling Blings. It takes place in the pre-historical period of the year 2000 and in order to make it authentic, I will be doing all of the diologue in Ebonics. Yo buss dis. An' yeah, I be jokin Sheeit!

So, my RRDJ... Learn at least one new word every day. My word of the day is Futilitarian: one who is devoted to futile pursuits. Like me... with my book. I suggest that they be words you can throw into everyday conversations. That way, you can make the person you are talking to feel like an idiot because they don't have a clue what you are saying. Oh, why must I derive so much delectation from the witlessness of the plebes?

That's it from me today. Just a reminder that my birthday is coming up so feel free to buy me lots and lots of presents.

Yo buss dis. Catch you later. Sheeit!

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