
Hob, Hob, Hobbling Along

Happy Turkey Weekend all… Especially to my good friend Wee who is tying the knot this weekend in Vancouver. Work commitments left me unable to attend originally but those have since been usurped by ‘Back Healing' commitments.

I envision this weekend to go something like this:

3am - Awoken by Hugh who still deems 3am as an acceptable time to play

5am - Fall back asleep

7am – Awoken by Hugh… again, but this time with string in tow. I will rue the day I taught him to play fetch.

8am – Fall back asleep… again

9am - Wake up, this time without help from Hugh. Hugh fast asleep. Take advantage of cat nap (literally) to make up for lost sleep during the night

9:30-11am - Get out of bed at some point... Hobble to the washroom… Hobble to the couch…

5pm - Hobble off the couch to make dinner

5:30pm - Hobble back to couch

10pm- Hobble to bed

Repeat as necessary

Good Times

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