
A Wee Bit O' Fun!

So, the Lucky Spinster was kind enough to give me something to do on this crappola of a TV night. Thanks girl!

The way it works is thus. I got this list. I responded to five (you can do more) and then added three (you can do more) of my own. The chosen few that I tagged, you must now take the new list, answer 5 (you can do more) , add three (you can do more) of your own and then tag 3 (you can do more) people of your own. Get it? Good. Here goes.

The List:
If I could be a scientist...
If I could be a farmer...
If I could be a musician...
If I could be a doctor...
If I could be a painter...
If I could be a gardener...
If I could be a missionary...
If I could be a chef...If I could be an architect...
If I could be a linguist...
If I could be a psychologist...
If I could be a librarian...
If I could be an athlete...
If I could be a lawyer...
If I could be an innkeeper...
If I could be a professor...
If I could be a writer...
If I could be a llama-rider...(by Ogre)
If I could be a bonnie pirate...(By Teach)
If I could be a servicemember...(By Jeremy)
If I could be a business owner...(By Blue944)
If I could be an actor... (By Blue944)
If I could be an agent...(By KelBel)
If I could be video game designer...(By KelBel)
If I could be a comic book artist...(By Stoli)
If I could be an exotic dancer...(by LuckySpinster)
If I could be a mental health professional...(by LuckySpinster)
If I could be a nail technician...(by LuckySpinster)

And Mine:
If I could be a character in a movie...(by Beatrice Petty)
If I could be a beauty queen...(by Beatrice Petty)
If I could be an enlightened despot...(by Beatrice Petty)


** If I could be an agent, I would be a Secret Agent. My "alias" would be Pettricia Beatrova. I would be a master of disguise and would specialize in getting in and out of hot spots... geographical hot spots you pervs.

** If I could be a painter, I would sneak into pre-schools and steal all the children's art and pass it off as my own.

** If I could be a missionary, I would only go to places with hallucinogenic toads.

** If I could be a bonnie pirate, I would have flower boxes all over my pirate ship, to give it that feminine touch. Oh, and I would also grow vegetables and fruit to combat scurvy. It's my firm belief that a lack of Vitamin C was what made pirates so mean. I would be a nice pirate. Oh, but I WOULD kidnap Orlando and he would be my little cabin boy. I wouldn't want to be a depraved pirate.

** If I could be a psychologist, I would be a pet psychologist. I would diagnose every animal I saw with "severe psychological disorders", the only cure being that they must come see me twice a week for the next 2 years at 500$ a pop. What? You gonna argue with the Pet Psychologist? You want your pet to get better right? OK, glad we are on the same page.


Alright, that's all she wrote from me... let's see. Who shall I tag... What sucker... oops, I mean... what truly delightful individual can I tag. I tag The Roomie, Cascadia, and the Guy with the Hat... Mwahahahahaha.

I mean... Have fun!

Oh, and if I didn't tag you and/or you don't have a blog, feel free to comment below. I'm dying to know what people would do if they were an enlightened despot. Always lookin' for ideas here folks!

1 comment:

Cascadia said...

What do you mean crap tv night? It is the best night in television! I am so freakin' excited!